4 Tips For Staying Productive During Social Distancing

4 Tips For Staying Productive During Social Distancing
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It has been a few weeks now that everyone has been social distancing due to Covid-19. It is very important for those that can, do their part, and practice social distancing. There are many ways to spend our time at home, and even though everyone’s situation is different, there are many ways you can stay productive and sane during this time. Staying productive and intentional during our time social distancing can create better mental health, physical health, and overall happiness. Here are 4 tips for staying productive at home during this social distancing. 

  1. Spring Cleaning: One of the main ways to stay productive during this time is to do something that you have always wanted to do! Cleaning might not be it, but it is something that brings us joy when we feel that our home is clean and organized. By taking the time to organize and deep clean your home during social distancing, you will have extra time to stop when you want to stop and take breaks. You will be at liberty to work on it the next day, rather than having to go back to your day to day activities. During social distancing, the best thing we have to our advantage is time and time to work on ourselves. Our homes are an extension of us, therefore dedicating some time to spring clean is contributing to our mental and physical well being. For tips on how to get started, click here! 
  2. Making meals at home: One of the most popular things most people do is watch recipes and cooking videos online, yet it ends there. Now that everyone is home, a great way to incorporate your family and create positive activities, cooking is a great outlet. Cooking is a great way to expand your skill sets and set some time apart for yourself. On top of that, you can try to cook some healthy meals at home that are within your budget. You can also cook or bake things you have always wanted to but never had time to. There are many videos online and lots of ways to get started. Cooking your own meals gives you the ability to know what is going into your body. Also, it creates a sense of confidence and calmness. 
  3. Exercising/Moving your body: For many folks, the gym being closed has been a detriment to their day to day activities. Therefore, many gyms or fitness instructors have been posting exercises online, free for you to use. If your city permits you to walk around or bike around your neighborhood, please do. Many other cities in the world are not allowing any outside activity. So we should take advantage and try to get some sun and physical activity. The activity does not even have to be difficult, as long as you’re moving your body and getting some steps in, that’s all that matters. Just remember to keep your distance and abide by any rules or ordinances your city has in place, such as wearing a mask or gloves while out. 
  4. Self-Care Moments: On top of doing everything else, it is important to step back and take care of yourself. If that means watching Netflix and relaxing all day, that counts too. Self-Care is about taking a look at what you need and trying to find a way to make yourself feel positive and in good mental space. Whether that comes from journaling, cooking, exercising, or spending time with family over Zoom, take some time for yourself. 

To thank those essential workers for their work and sacrifice, let’s do our part by staying home, and finding ways to stay productive and healthy at home. 

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Karla Dennis, Tax Expert & Business Strategist

As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, the founder of consultancy firm Karla Dennis & Associates™, has saved her clients' thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

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