A tax preparer is an accounting or tax professional that can help you file your tax returns as required every year. Well-known companies like H&R Block and Jackson-Hewitt promise fast and accurate tax preparation, but they are also known to charge a substantial fee for their services. Determining whether a tax preparer is right for you is something that depends on the complexity of your return and the potential savings a tax preparer could find for you.
Typical tax preparer costs vary depending on the type of tax return you need to file; no two people are alike when it comes to tax preparation. Additionally, no two tax years are similar for the same individual. Tax preparer costs can run from several hundred to a few thousand dollars per return. With this in mind, it is important to speak to someone who knows the code that is affordable for the average tax filer.
Some individuals use tax preparer software as a means to quickly and simply get their taxes filed. While this may seem like a good idea on the surface, it often times isn’t. Once again, your tax situation is far more complex and individualized than any software could ascertain. For this reason it is much better to have a knowledgeable tax preparer prepare your taxes for you.
The main consideration that should determine whether you use a tax preparer is the complexity of your return. In many cases, it is possible to prepare simple returns yourself and save money in the process, but even in those situations, it is likely that without the knowledge of the ever-changing tax code, it is possible to overlook some of the benefits you seek.
In complex cases it is actually best to hire a tax preparer who not only has the knowledge and experience to handle your particular situation, but one who has the ability to individualize the attention you need for achieving the maximum benefit from your tax returns.
If you are searching for a tax preparer for any tax situation, your best bet is to focus on an expert who is able to provide you with one-on-one attention and not charge high fees like some of the more well-known companies. At Cohesive Tax, you will find such an expert since they are led by world-renowned tax expert, Karla Dennis. Karla is known for her individualized attention to the details that often times get overlooked by others. In a world of tax preparers she stands head and shoulders above the rest, and the attention she gives you is second to none. Supported by a rigorously hand-picked, knowledgeable staff, you are sure to get that ‘large company result’ with a far more personal touch. That is what the tax preparer method is at Cohesive Tax.
As a matter of fact, not only is the attention to your tax preparation second-to-none, it is personal. To see how much care is given to you as an individual, you are invited to receive a free tax consultation from Karla herself. Yes, you can talk to Karla about your particular tax situation before filing your taxes. Not only that, you also will receive a free report on some of the many tips Karla and her staff use to help maximize your tax returns.
Simply fill out your information on the form on this page to receive our free reports, and you will be set up with a complimentary tax preparation consultation over the phone!
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