Filing out your taxes can be stressful for anyone, even if you work with a tax preparation expert. When you are in the middle of tax preparation, it can be hard to remember all of paperwork that you need to be bring with you. To help in your quest for tax preparation readiness, here is a checklist of some commonly forgotten documentation you should bring to the tax preparation appointment.
First, many people forget to bring copies of all of their medical bills. There are situations when you can actually deduct your medical bills from your taxes. You’ll never know if that is an option for you unless you bring all of your old bill stubs for the year and proof of payment.
Second, if you purchased an Energy-Star approved appliance, you can receive a deduction on your taxes. When you visit your tax preparation expert, bring all of the documentation of the purchase and installation of the appliance so you can claim the credit.
Third, if you moved during the year, you may be able to claim a deduction on all of your moving expenses. Your tax preparation expert can help you decide what expenses are tax deductible and will know what forms to fill out. All you have to do is bring in the information.
Fourth, if you are paying off student loans, you can deduct the interest from those loans off of your taxes. All you have to do is bring in proof of the insurance you paid to your tax preparation expert’s office.
There are a lot of instances where tax payers don’t claim the deductions they should because they simply don’t remember to bring in the paperwork. By bringing in all of the possible deductions to your tax preparation specialist’s office, you can claim all of the tax breaks that you qualify for.
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