Have you ever heard that there are two things in life you can’t avoid: “death and taxes?” While putting off death would take a miracle, putting off your taxes is not nearly as difficult. In fact, you tax preparation expert can help you file a six-month extension on your taxes by following a few simple steps.
First, you have to get the right paperwork. Form 4868 must be filled out by your tax preparation expert by the tax due date (April 15). If this form is not filled out by the deadline, you may find that the extension will be denied and you will be fined for failing to pay your taxes. Filing for an extension is free and the Form 4868 is offered electronically on the IRS’s website. You may find it is easier to have your tax preparation expert fill out the form for you so that it can be used when you actually file your taxes.
It is very important that you realize that your extension does not give you more time to pay. Your tax preparation expert can help you put off the time that you file your taxes, but you are still held responsible for the amount of money that you owe to the federal government on the normal tax due date. If you don’t pay by April 15, you could incur late fees and interest payments that will increase the amount of money that you are required to pay.
Your tax preparation expert does not have to file your taxes if you have an extension, but you should pay off what you estimate your taxes will be. It is better to estimate high because you’ll be sent a refund check as soon as you get around to paying your taxes.
Your tax preparation expert can help you understand the specific rules of filing an extension. For example, if you are a soldier in combat you are automatically enrolled for a tax extension. Also, some states have specific rules when it comes to extensions so a tax preparation expert is truly a good advocate to have on your side.
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