On a Budget? How to Stay Healthy This Year

On a Budget? How to Stay Healthy This Year
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2020 is upon us and like many people, we are all trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Trying to work out and live a healthy lifestyle can be costly if not done correctly. If you are trying to get healthier or create a budget for the new year: Here are some tips for how to save money! 

  1. Toss that Gym membership if you’re not using it: 

Many of us decide to commit to going to the gym every year and probably are not going as often as we’d like. If your gym membership is only $20 a month if can be easy to forget about how much money you’re losing. However, this means within a year you are paying at least $240 and that is not even counting the yearly fee most gyms require their customers to pay. That’s roughly $350 you lost in one year from simply investing in something you never took advantage of. If the gym is not for you, you can always invest in a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You can also take walks around your neighborhood which can help calm you after a long day of work and benefit you physically. There are so many apps out now that can help you stay fit, right outside your door. 

For those of you who do go to the gym regularly, make sure you are taking advantage of all the benefits you’re paying for. Many gyms offer premium packages that include massage tables, cycling rooms, and guest passes. However, if you never take advantage of those benefits, why are you paying extra? Many gyms sometimes sell these premium packages and then many of those benefits may not even be available at your local gym. These are all small things we can do to see where our money is going and how we’re spending it. 

  1. Grocery Shopping:

Many local supermarkets offer special deals on particular days of the week. Even though you may be tempted to do your shopping on the weekends, you could save a lot of money by going during the week. 

There are also many stores that offer coupons, but also apps with coupon deals. Stores like Target, Safeway and more now offer apps on your phone that have all of their coupons listed. All you have to do is add the coupons to your digital cart and have the cashier scan the barcode before checkout, that way all your coupons are on one easy to access application.

Make sure to make a list of essential items that your household always needs. At the same time, make a list of items you may want, but may not be beneficial to your wallet or fridge. 

  1. Farmer’s Market:

Cities all over the country hold farmer’s markets every week. At these locations you can find in-season fruits and vegetables at prices you can usually haggle. Many farmer’s markets also have a larger variety of fruits and vegetables than most grocery stores do, allowing you to explore your options and come up with new recipes.

  1. Cook at home: 

This is something we hear all the time, but it’s for a good reason. This New Year revisit how much money you spend eating out last year and create a budget so that you can try to minimize this number. Eating out often can be costly and detrimental to our health. When you cook your own food you know how much salt, butter, dairy, and carbs are going into your meal. Eating at home can also make you eat more vegetables and make you aware of how inexpensive it can be to just make yourself a meal. Cooking is a great hobby that can also help you creatively, and physically. 

  1. Drink Healthy: 

While we’re on the subject of food, let’s talk about drinks. Coffee is a huge splurge that we do every day and do not realize how costly it can be. Investing in a good coffee machine can save us money in the long run because we can make ourselves as much coffee as we want, at home. Coffee drinks also have lots of sugar, milk, and ice. Sometimes we think we’re getting a deal on our favorite coffee drink, however many of them are packed with ice and sugar. This is not healthy nor truly caffeinated. Many people don’t know that a regular cup of coffee can actually contain more caffeine than the fancier more expensive drinks. If coffee is not your thing, maybe soda is. Soda is not only unhealthy for you but can also add up. Instead of buying soda on a weekly basis, save that money and buy yourself healthier options. Choose to eat snacks rather than drink your calories. In order to be healthy this year, save yourself some money and drink more water. Invest in a good water bottle and drink water throughout the day. This has many health benefits and can save you money in the long run. 

These are all things we can keep in mind this year in order to save money and help us accomplish our fitness goals. Start 2020 off right, set a budget, stick to it, and live a healthier life so that you live a long and fulfilled life. 

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Karla Dennis, Tax Expert & Business Strategist

As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, the founder of consultancy firm Karla Dennis & Associates™, has saved her clients' thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

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