by Karla Dennis | Jan 16, 2019 | Blog
How to Create a Wealth Mindset Wealth creation all starts with the mind. If you have an abundance attitude and wealth mindset, you’ll be able to attract the financial success you deserve! While there are many paths to wealth, once you discover the abundance mindset, you’ve set yourself up for actually achieving your dreams. But how do you create this mindset in the first place? Here are some techniques that will help you develop a wealth mindset: Visualize your goal. It’s not enough to just say you want to “be rich.” You have to make the conscious decision to create a clear goal and visualize all the details. It’s best to focus all of your energy on one thing rather than spreading yourself too thin. Be specific. Break down your goal into minute details and start thinking about the exact steps you need to take in order to get there. Break up the plan. The goal seems huge at first, but once broken down into smaller, more manageable steps, it doesn’t seem so bad. Focus on each individual task that you need to complete, and then congratulate yourself once you achieve each step. Take action. It’s easy to get caught up in the daydreaming and planning phases of your goals, but the action is what it takes to get you there. Your dreams become realities with action; otherwise, they’ll just remain dreams forever. Seek a mentor. Sometimes people are tempted to go at it alone, but you’re not alone in this world! There are many out there that would like to see you succeed and it’s your responsibility to...
by Karla Dennis | Dec 28, 2018 | Blog
Surviving the Holiday Crunch The holidays are supposed to be an excellent time for you and your family, though sometimes the stresses leading up the holidays make it seem like quite the opposite. Remember that even in poor economic times there are ways to enjoy yourself and survive the holiday crunch. Spending Money Chances are you’ll be spending at least some money during the holiday season. With careful planning, you can make a small budget go quite a long way. Consider the following holiday money saving tips: read...
by Karla Dennis | Dec 12, 2018 | Blog
Job Skills Assessment If you’re looking for a job for the first time or you’d like to switch careers, you may be wondering where your talents lie. The one thing you know is that you want to find a job that you enjoy, but how can you tell what you would be good at before you get the job? The best way to determine a job worth pursuing is by doing a job skills assessment. A self-assessment will allow you to explore your personality type, find out what you’re good at, and determine your values. Here’s a list of questions that may be a part of a self-assessment: • Do you tend to be introverted or extroverted? • Do you generally remain calm, or do you get nervous easily? • How organized are you? • What is your general temperament? • What are your general interests? • Do you enjoy risky situations? read...
by Karla Dennis | Dec 5, 2018 | Blog
8 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score The first step to improving your credit score is to obtain a current copy of your credit report. Once you have something to work from, you’ll know where you stand and you can take action to improve your credit and raise your score. There are many systems and companies out there that’ll advertise a “free” credit report, only to enroll you into other paid programs or recurring memberships. These paid programs may benefit you, but read the fine print to ensure you’re getting only what you need. read...
by Karla Dennis | Nov 28, 2018 | Blog
Overcoming Financial Strain Financial strain is probably the biggest cause of stress, especially in today’s economy. With so many people losing their jobs, just trying to make ends meet can cause added stress to your already stressful lives. The good news is that there’s a way out! Map Out a Plan If you are not on a budget, you must get on one. I know the word budget seems like a bad word, and it does require effort and planning, but it is the best way to relieve financial stress. Living on a budget means you’re in control of your money, instead of your money controlling you. read...