3 Marketing Tips Every Business Owner Should Know

Advice from Gerry Foster, owner and president of Gerry Foster Marketing My friend Gerry Foster is a veteran branding expert and has his office in Laguna Beach. I was fortunate to have him on my radio, so I wanted to share some takeaways from my conversation with...

Its Important To Start Early: Teaching Financial Literacy To Your Children

  I was fortunate that I had a natural interest in math and money. So I was able to teach myself many of the fundamentals on how money works at an early age. But as parents, it’s not so difficult to teach kids early about the basics of money. Take the time and it will payoff big time, figuratively and literally. It sounds boring, but it’s really easy to incorporate into your daily activities. After all, almost everything we do involves money, like it or...

5 Ways To Avoid The Recent Tax Scam!

5 WAYS TO AVOID THE RECENT TAX SCAM According to IRS.gov, The Internal Revenue Service issued a recent consumer alert  providing taxpayers with additional tips to protect themselves from telephone tax scam artists calling and pretending to be with the IRS.  Over the last eight months, this scam of individuals pretending to be IRS and calling taxpayers has been highlighted in the news. These callers may demand money or tell you have a refund due and try to trick you into sharing your  private information. These people are con artists and can sound very convincing when they call. They will have done their homework and will know a lot about you, and they will change the caller ID to make it look like the IRS is calling. They use fake names and bogus IRS identification badge numbers. If you don’t answer, they often leave an “urgent” callback...

Should I Itemize My Deductions?

While it’s tempting just to check off the box to take the standard deduction, I will urge you to take the time to itemize your deductions, especially if you are a business...
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