Why You should Join A Mastermind Group

ou ever hear the story of two heads are better than one? Well it’s true. Being in a mastermind group can really raise your Business IQ. . These groups are here to virtually help you accomplish any goal you set out to do. The key elements need in a basic group are such. People Committed to helping each other You have to make sure that people are committed to helping each other, sharing contacts and wanting to build each other up. We know a story of a guy Robert Galisky who met with his mastermind group and had a big idea of releasing a musical. Through great contacts, advice this all help him get his play up and running and raise over 50K. It’s about having people truly dedicated to helping each other out and building the mastermind. read...

Owe Back Taxes? Five Things To Know

If you find yourself in a tax situation, whether it is with the IRS or your state government, there are five things that Karla wants listens to concentrate on. The most important is to not avoid the situation and instead deal with it head on. There are a number of different solutions available to all taxpayers regardless of your situation. Listen as Karla discusses the other four and how you can get relief from your tax...

Do the Bush-Era Tax Cuts Affect Your Tax Strategy?

In 2001, President Bush passed a series of tax cuts that mostly affect the tax strategy of the middle and lower classes. The tax cuts were approved as a temporary law, which means that after ten years they would expire. Many Americans held their breath as Congress evaluated whether these tax cuts would be renewed or allowed to expire. At the end of 2010, the tax cuts were approved to be extended until 2017. What do these tax cuts mean for your tax strategy and what kind of changes in taxing law can you expect if these cuts are allowed to expire? First, the Bush-era tax cuts changed the child-income tax credit from $500 to $1000 for each child in a home. That means that if you have three children, you are entitled to receive $1000 of government assistance. Even in your income is completely tax deductible, you can still receive the child-income tax credit as a credit on your tax return. If this cut expires, your tax strategy would have to change because you wouldn’t be allowed to claim money that was above and beyond the taxes that you paid during the year. Also, the cuts created a 10 percent tax bracket where each taxpayer would be mailed a check for all the current year’s savings. The cuts also protected middle-class couples more effectively from the marriage penalty by raising the tax bracket to 15 percent. It is easy to just continue to enjoy these tax benefits without thinking of how they will affect your tax strategy in the future, but considering your future tax strategy is the...

What Are Your Options When Owing the IRS?

Karla discusses one of her favorite topics: three things that can be done when a taxpayer owes the IRS or the state money. Depending upon your situation one of these three options should apply to you and help you get relief from your tax debt. Don’t be afraid of owing the IRS or the state your hard earned money because there are ways to alleviate the problem. Listen how Karla and her team are here to...
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