6 Things You Need to Bring on a Trip That Most People Don’t

o matter where you’re traveling next, there are a few things you can add to your grab-and-go bag that will make everything run a little more smoothly. Meet six items that will turn you into the MacGyver of the vacation set. Outlet Plug: This is key to bring on a trip. Whether you are short at the air and can’t get a plug or you’re on vacation with multiple people and need to share the one outlet. This can be huge for you and your family. Duct Tape: You can bandage up your luggage to removing lint from your clothing in one easy simple pull of the tape. This is really awesome to bring on a trip because it has so much capability. For about 5.00 you can patch up shoes, bags, clothing and baby proof rooms and cover up stuff your kids can’t get into to. All purpose. Is key on any trip. Travel Mug: This is great for coffee but as well for other things. Put in your sunglasses or anything small you don’t want to get torn up and it can be a handy to drink with and store goods. Moist Toilettes: These aren’t just for the kids. These are to sanitize your hands. Door knobs or anything within a public place that might have unwanted germs. Silicone Travel Bottles: these are live savers! With TSA boosting security, these little guys are key to make sure you put in your shampoo and other goods to make sure you have all you need on your trip to stay in good shape! Safety Pins: This will be great...

Keep Your Cash By Shrinking Your Tax Liability

If you’re looking to open up a flow of cash before the summer or holidays this year, Karla has four tips that can help you do this. As an individual or business owner, if you focus on shrinking your tax liability you can minimize your tax bill and keep that hard earned money. Listen as Karla goes over these four tips and how you can apply them to your unique situation to put that money back in your pocket and away from the...

Your Tax Resolution Expert Discusses Tax Scam

he IRS recently reported a tax scam that your tax resolution expert wanted to make sure you know about. The IRS released information that this tax scam has reached every state in the whole country. It involves individuals calling your house and trying to convince you that they are the IRS. They will tell you that you owe money to the IRS. If you don’t pay the money owed immediately, the caller claims that you could potentially have a lien placed on your possessions. Many people have taken this call seriously without calling their tax resolution expert to see if it is real. The IRS has told everyone that they will never ask for personal information like bank information or credit card numbers on the phone. Also, they will never pressure you to make decisions without a tax resolution expert on your side. read...

Put Your IRS Letter in the Shredder! – Part 4

When you get a letter from the IRS, what should you do? You should know the different kinds of notices that the IRS can send out. The IRS has over 500 different notices that can be sent out. Based on the notice number, we will respond accordingly. Because we have a copy of the IRS Manual we know every notice. We know why they are sent out, thus we know what the IRS is looking for with each notice. Knowing their playbook allows us to stay on top of the...

IRS Decreasing Tax Gap; How Are You Affected?

Because the IRS is under increasingly tremendous pressure to close the tax gap, they are utilizing new ways and new technological resources to track data online from consumers. Listen to Karla discuss what steps the IRS is taking; you’ll be astonished to find that the days of privacy with regards to the IRS are long gone. Find out how you can protect yourself and what you need to do to ensure you have the best tax strategy for your income...
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