Your Tax Resolution Expert Discusses Deduction of Mileage from Taxes

here are all kinds of different deductions that can be taken to decrease the amount of taxes that you pay to the federal government, but your tax resolution expert would like to discuss one deduction in particular. The amount of mileage it takes to go to and from different types of activities is not a commonly used deduction, but it can save taxpayers a considerable amount of money. First, your tax resolution expert wants you to know what kinds of activities qualify for this deduction. Some common activities include medical visits, cars used for business, charitable trips, and even moving expenses can fall under the mileage deduction. read...

How Your Tax Bill Will Change Between 2013 and 2014

Karla discusses some of the tax provisions that expired at the end of 2013 and what you can expect for your taxes in 2014. While taxes aren’t increasing for 2014 there are many deductions, such as debt relief income and education credits, that are being eliminated that will certainly affect your tax bill. She’d like to stress how important it is to have a tax review because what you pay for 2014 will be completely different than what you paid for...

Put Your IRS Letter in the Shredder! – Part 3

When you get a letter from the IRS, what should you do? You should respond to the IRS letter appropriately. So many people reply to the letter with too much information! The IRS doesn’t care about your story, they only care about getting the money. Also, if you provide too much information you might be giving the IRS information that they can use against you. So, keep emotions out of it and respond appropriately. Of course we recommend that you allow your tax professional to respond for you. read...

Five Ways to Get the Most from Your Tax Resolution Expert

Your tax resolution expert can be one of your biggest assets when it comes to working through back taxes or IRS debt. To be able to get the most out of your relationship there are some things that you can do to ensure everything goes smoothly. First, establish a good relationship with your tax resolution expert. Getting to know the tax resolution expert will help you trust the decisions that are made. With that trust it is easier to confide all of the ins and outs of your finances so that the company can more fully assist you. read...

How The Affordable Care Act Could Affect Your Taxes

With the Affordable Care Act now law, there are 18 new taxes that are coming this year with regards to the health care law. Most people that fall within a certain income bracket can expect their taxes to increase slightly, but Karla wants you to know that if you plan ahead for it you can still help reduce your tax bill and not feel the increase in taxes that many will feel from the...
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