How to Hire a Tax Resolution Expert You Can Trust

With a rise in the number of taxing scams and phishing schemes, it can make many people leery when trusting their private information to a tax resolution expert. The good news is that many times these companies offer telltale signs that they are up to no good. Here are three ways that you can find a tax resolution expert you know you can trust. First, the tax resolution expert will not pressure you to pay for their services before they have completed any work. A scammer will often ask you to pay for the work before the work is completed so they can leave with your money and information. Second, transparency is very important for a tax resolution company. They should be eager to provide you with information about the owners, practices, and contact information. Third, the tax resolution company should never pressure you to accept their services. If they are a reputable company, they will respect you enough to allow you to pass if their services won’t work for you. Fourth, a tax resolution company will not be able to guarantee specific results. There are some tax resolution companies that promise to give you specific breaks in your taxes without even looking at your records, or talking to you. This company is simply trying to draw you in by telling you what you want to hear. A reputable tax resolution company will take the time to completely understand your financial situation so they can meet your specific needs. There is no tax solution that works for everyone. Finally, if you conduct your own research on the company, you...

Find Out Where Your Stand With The IRS

Do you know where you stand with the IRS and what your liability is going to be? Many people don’t want to know this, but in this video you’ll see why Karla encourages you to use the Withholding Calculator at as well as get a free tax consultation at Find out what you should be withholding and where you stand with the IRS; if you’re not where you should be, Karla can help you get...

Put Your IRS Letter in the Shredder! – Part 1

When you get a letter from the IRS, what should you do? First, don’t panic! You usually have plenty of time to respond. But, you can be proactive by checking the box on your tax returns to have notifications sent to your tax professional as...

Tax Preparation Advice: Three Financial Steps You Can Do

When it comes to financial planning, many people tend to turn off. If you’ve ever seen the show Peanuts with Charlie Brown, talking about tax preparation is very similar to what Charlie Brown experienced when talking to his teacher, “wa, wa, wa, wa, wa.” The good news is that tax preparation and other financial planning doesn’t have to be scary. All it takes is a little bit of advanced preparation and the right people at your disposal. First, many people get nervous when they hear the term budgeting. It can be a huge task to try to keep track of all of your spending, but you tax preparation expert can tell you that it will actually save you money in the long run. There are volumes written on budgeting, but one of the best pieces of advice you can have is to base your budget on what you actually spend. To do that, you tax preparation expert suggests that you keep a ledger of every cent that leaves your account for six months. At that time, add up what you are really spending, find places where you could realistically cut, and make your budget from there. Tax preparation is also a sore spot for many Americans. It can be daunting to figure out how to wade through the complicated documents. The good news is that a tax preparation expert can usually save you more money than you would actually gain if you took time to do your taxes on your own. Finally, estate planning is a huge concern for many people as well, but it doesn’t have to be....

Ensure Your Extension Form Is Filled Out Correctly

Did you know that filing a tax extension doesn’t actually allow you more time to pay your taxes? This is a common myth among taxpayers, however if you file an extension it actually only gives you extra time to file your taxes; if you owe money on your tax bill, it must be paid by April 15th. If you can’t pay your entire bill, it’s highly recommended you pay installments against your amount owed. If you are going to file an extension also be sure that you file it correctly so that it is not invalidated by the IRS. This can cause more headaches than actually taking the time to ensure you’ve filled out the extension form correctly. read...
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