What Does a Bookkeeping Expert Do?

Do you own a business? A bookkeeping expert might be just the thing to help your business stay organized, but what exactly does a bookkeeping expert do? Here are four jobs that most bookkeeping expert can easily take charge of with your business. First, a bookkeeper can keep track of payroll. All of the employees’ checks can be scheduled and sent out by a bookkeeper. When it comes to the payment of employees, you don’t want to be late. A bookkeeping expert will ensure that payroll is correct and goes out on time. Second, a bookkeeper keeps track of billing. In any business there are different amounts that you will charge different clients or customers. It can be overwhelming to run a business and keep track of all of the accounts. By outsourcing the job to a bookkeeping specialist, you can guarantee that you will get paid for the services that you provide. Third, a bookkeeping expert pays the bills. Running a business involves a lot of moving parts. On top of the service that you provide you also have to remember to bill the clients, pay the employees, and pay the bills. You can’t allow the power to go out because someone didn’t pay the power bill. A bookkeeping expert will help you to keep all of the bills in order. They can pay providers and even take care of the small jobs, like paying that power bill. Finally, a bookkeeping expert can help employees file all the right paperwork so that they can be paid. They can make sure that a new hire is giving correct information...

Do Your Need a Bookkeeping Expert or an Accountant?

If your business is growing, you may be wondering if it would be a good idea to hire an accountant to work with you when, in fact, a bookkeeping expert is really what you need. This article will discuss the difference between accountants and bookkeeping experts so that you can find the right person for the right job. Salary and education are big differences between bookkeeping experts and accountants. Bookkeepers do not normally need a college degree and an accountant has special training in accounting practices that requires at least a Bachelor’s degree. Because of the amount of education required, a bookkeeping specialist will usually make about half of what an accountant will make. That is why it is important to hire an accountant only if you need it. The job responsibilities of a bookkeeper differ from that of an accountant. A bookkeeping specialist can take charge of payments that come into the company. He or she will also pay bills that are due, but they do not take charge of financial planning. If you are looking for someone that will manage accounts, pay employees, pay bills, and take charge of client billing, hire a bookkeeping specialist. If you want someone to forecast payments and offer strategic advice, an accountant will usually be a better fit. For many businesses the question as to whether you need an accountant or a bookkeeping specialist is actually a trick question. You probably need both. Many business owners will choose to have a bookkeeping specialist on staff full time, and then they bring in an accountant when necessary, like at tax time. Both...

Karla Reaches Out To Small Business Professionals

Karla Dennis spoke at a Lunch Seminar event hosted by Los Anegeles area Realtor Toni Patillo recently, providing business owners with some insights regarding the new health care laws and how they will change your business and your bottom line. Please check out the video for the full seminar. It’s fill with a number of various tips and...

Should Your Hire a Bookkeeping Expert?

If you have a business, you may wonder if you should get a bookkeeper. While hiring a bookkeeper will take money from your profit at first, you will find that having your books in order can actually help your business to grow. If you still aren’t sure whether a bookkeeping expert is right for you, here are three questions that you can ask yourself to know if you have need of a bookkeeper. Do you have a basic understanding of bookkeeping concepts, but you lack the time to keep up on your bookkeeping? This is one of the main reasons that many businesses hire a bookkeeper. Most people could keep track of their books if they had time. The problem is that, most of the time, your energies are put toward other areas of the company and bookkeeping gets left on the wayside. Another question you can ask yourself is do you have limited understanding about bookkeeping? A lot of successful business owners do not know their way around their company’s finances, and they don’t have time to learn. You shouldn’t allow your books to go unbalanced. Hire a bookkeeping specialist, and you will probably see your profits rise. Finally, ask yourself how organized are you? If you are not an organized person, you may find that a bookkeeping expert can keep you from spending money you don’t have. He or she can also help you see where you are spending you money. If you own a business, bookkeeping is a necessity, and if aren’t the type that is organized enough to keep your own books, hiring a bookkeeper...
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