What to Look For in a Tax Resolution Specialist?

If you owe over $20,000 in tax debt to the IRS, hiring a tax resolution specialist can be a great asset for you. A tax resolution specialist will not only help you settle your tax debt in a way you can afford, but he or she can help you navigate the IRS system with peace of mind. The big problem that many tax payers face is that there are a lot of scams that prey on people that owe large amounts of tax debt. The question is how can you find a good tax resolution specialist? Here are three tips to land the perfect tax resolution specialist for your needs. First, if the deal the tax resolution specialist offers is too good to be true, it probably is. There are many tax firms that promise that you will never have to pay any of your tax debt, ever. The truth is that there are not many instances where the IRS will completely free an individual from paying any taxes. The trick is to find a settlement that will be mutually beneficial for both you and the IRS. Second, if the tax resolution specialist is heavily advertised, it may be a red flag. There isn’t a ton of money in tax resolution, and if your specialist is making enough money to afford prime time television ads, you should understand that it will be what you pay the professional that will fund those ads. Finally, trust your gut. If you go into the establishment and it seems like everything is in disarray, don’t be afraid to continue your search. Trust yourself....

Do You Need a Tax Resolution Specialist?

If you have tax debt, you may feel like you are way over your head. The debt can be hard to bear, the IRS is confusing to deal with, and you may think that there is no way to find tax resolution. You are not alone in this feeling. Did you know that one in six Americans has some kind of tax problem? Many people find themselves in debt on taxes, but how do you know when you need a tax resolution specialist? Here are three criteria to help you decide if you need a tax resolution specialist. First, if you owe over $20,000 in taxes, you will need a tax resolution specialist. With excessive debt you need someone that understands tax laws. A tax resolution specialist can comb through your taxes to look for errors or deductions that can lower your tax debt. They can serve as a moderator between you and the IRS. Second, if you have paperwork that needs to be filled out for the IRS. IRS paperwork is known for being difficult to maneuver, and hiring a tax resolution specialist can help you know what paperwork you can fill out, and he or she can even help you fill out your paperwork so you get it correct the first time. Finally, if you owe a lot of back taxes to the IRS, a tax specialist can serve as an advocate to help you settle the debt. Many times, the settlement will be pennies on the dollar. When you are dealing with tax debt the process can be confusing, and you could end up paying more...

Tax Resolution Tips: Are the IRS Tax Laws Getting Harsher?

You have probably heard jokes about the IRS and their ability to collect taxes. After all, there are two things in life that are unavoidable: death and taxes. Even with all this humor, many people are starting to wonder if the IRS is becoming more stringent in their rules for tax collecting. Your tax resolution specialist knows that it can be daunting to work with the IRS, but you shouldn’t feel like that particular branch of the government is turning up the heat for taxpayers. A lot of it is just the world we live in. Here are three reasons the IRS is becoming more effective in ensuring people pay their taxes. With the increased national debt, your tax resolution expert can see the importance of making sure people pay taxes. In 2006, the United States tax gap was $400 million, and those numbers have only increased. In order to make ends meet, the IRS has to put more pressure on taxpayers to make sure they are paying their share. It is becoming increasing important to have a tax resolution expert on your side when dealing with taxes because, while it is alright to pay your share, you don’t want to pay more than your correct portion. Another reason that tax laws have become more stringent is because of increased technology. Everything at the IRS is completely digitized, and computer programmers can create algorithms to identify citizens that choose not to pay the correct amount of taxes. Your tax resolution expert can help you fill out your taxes so that you don’t fall under the computer’s watchful eye. Finally,...

Documents To Gather For Proper Bookkeeping

Today we would like to discuss some of the paperwork and source documents that you should gather when you are doing the bookkeeping. First, you should have source documents – documents that track the source of the transaction. These source documents include bank statements, cancelled checks, ATM receipts, Credit card statements, and cash receipts. Watch the video above for more information. Check out our Reverse Profit Calculator at http://ReverseProfit.com to find out what you need to do to meet your monthly and annual sales goals. read...

Tax Resolution Tips: Scams to Avoid

There are many fraudulent tax resolution deals that inundate the Internet and other means of communication, but how can you know which of these deals are false and which ones are real? The IRS recently released a list of common scams whose main goal is to take your money, not help you invest or save it. Here are some of the scams on that list: Identity theft headed up the list of common scams. Your tax resolution specialist knows that there are many companies that are trying to get your information, and they will tell you just about anything to get it. One of the best rules of thumb is this: if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. That means that if someone who claims to be a tax resolution specialist tells you that you don’t even have to pay any taxes, the chances are you’re being fed a scam. You should always research a tax resolution specialist before you ever agree to work with him or her. Return preparer fraud means that a tax resolution company will agree to prepare your tax documents for you only to confiscate the refund check. That is why researching a tax resolution company is so important. Make sure the company you choose is accredited to work with U.S. taxes. Don’t be afraid to ask for proof of credentials to ensure that you are working with a reputable company. The IRS also warned taxpayers of the promise of hiding money offshore to prevent you from paying taxes. Any good tax resolution specialist knows that you have to report all of...
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