Proper Tax Preparation Best Way To Avoid Amended Returns Or Tax Extensions

If you find yourself in a situation where your taxes are not submitted by April 15th don’t worry you have options. While an extension is possible better Tax Preparation throughout the year may be an easy solution to this somewhat common problem. Let Karla Dennis and the team at Cohesive Tax work with you to find the best tax solutions for your current needs in a timely manner that meets the IRS deadline. If you are having problems with your Tax Preparation your two options are to change your tax filing thanks to an amended return or to apply for a tax extension. An amended return will also require you to get an OK from the IRS before submitting an amended return. The purpose of an amended return is to make any adjustments to your overall income due to not receiving proper tax documents before filing or an undocumented change in your taxes. This can occur in cases where assets, including land or securities, may not have been intially included when calculating your tax return. Filing an amended return will be necessary to make sure you are to perceived as misleading the IRS. Likewise, a tax extension will allow you to submit your taxes after the April 15th deadline. It is important to note that filing for a tax extension may result in a penalty paid on the taxes that are reported or number of days your taxes are late. While this is never a good thing it is certainly a better outcome than just not paying your taxes. The best way to avoid any of these scenarios is...

Started A Business And Dreading Tax Season? Work With A Tax Preparation Professional

Have you recently started your own business and are dreading the upcoming tax season? Do you have no idea what to expect as far as taxes go? Tax preparation specialists at Cohesive Tax are here to offer their services to you. At Cohesive Tax, they specialize in helping all types of entities; S and C corporations, LLCs, and sole proprietors. They have handled every type of entity numerous times before so you can guarantee that they know the intricacies of tax preparation when it comes to business ownership. Often times when business owners look for tax preparation help, they try to obtain deductions that they might not qualify for. At Cohesive Tax, we know which deductions are plausible for now and in the future as well as which ones are not; you may be able to get away listing a deduction now, but will it work for you in the future? When we offer you our tax preparation services we ensure that any and all deductions will not be disputed by the IRS. Along with this, when we help you with tax preparation for your business, we guarantee that your business falls underneath all of the tax regulations and codes that it should be. Often times tax preparation professionals get caught up in what they’re doing and don’t always stick to the tax code, but at Cohesive Tax this couldn’t be further from the truth. To find out more about the tax preparation services that Cohesive Tax can provide for you and your business, please check out their website at, give them a call or send them a...

Need More Money In Your Pocket Today?

Today I’d like to invite you to join me for an exciting and educational seminar. Individuals and business owners, if you’re looking to put more money in your pocket then join me, Karla Dennis and my friend and elite financial strategist, Loral Langemeier, on November 5th in Orange County, CA. This is a must-see educational event where you’re going to learn a variety of different things that can benefit you. We’ll be addressing topics such as how to put more money in your pocket today, how the wealthy are getting wealthier using the tax code to their advantage, what it is that you need to be doing as a business owner to push your business to the next level and why you, as an individual, should have a business to put more money in your pocket and to be able to live like wealthy people do. We’re going to show you the latest and greatest ways to market your business as well as the latest and greatest ways to lower your tax bill. read...

Proper Tax Preparation Starts With Asking Questions Of A Tax Expert

Is it almost April and you still don’t have your taxes in line? Does this seem to happen every year? While it is possible to gain a tax extension or file an amended return this reoccuring problem can always be solved by professional Tax Preparation. Karla Dennis and the team at Cohesive Tax can help you avoid those nervous, hurried days every April by sitting down and chatting about your Tax Preparation. If you file your own taxes how will you ever know if you are getting the best possible tax result? Sitting down with a tax expert can be the easy solution. Simply discussing any big purchases planned for the year and your monthly expenses is a great place to start. If you are in need of a new vehicle or major repairs around the house professional Tax Preparation can make sure you reap the rewards of any tax benefits involved. If you have medical bills or other notable expenses from the year there can also be some options for possible tax savings. Monthly expenses, including student loan payments and mortgage payments, are also worth discussing every year with a tax expert as there write-off limits change your expected tax rate. These benefits cannot be realized though unless a tax expert is contacted. The tax system in your state and this country tends to change quite frequently making it hard to keep track of what is what. The average person is not going to have the time to stay up to date with the tax changes that occur every single year. Just like you would turn to a...

Situation Too Complicated For Online Tax Programs? Consult A Tax Preparation Professional

In the past have you completed your own tax returns online instead of a tax preparation professional but now that you have a family, own a home or your own business, you’re finding that it’s not quite as simple? If you fall in this category than we highly suggest it may be time to contact that tax preparation professional instead of trying to take on the stress of completing your taxes on your own. It’s true that your taxes get more complicated when you own your own business or have a family, for example. There are so many more things to take into consideration. Do you pay childcare? Should you itemize instead of taking the standard deduction? Which deductions do you even qualify for? These are all questions that are best left up to a tax preparation professional to answer. When you work with someone that’s experienced in tax preparation, you can be confident that they’ll ensure you receive all the deductions you are eligible for and that your tax returns are 100% accurate. Tax preparation professionals are here to give you sound advice on what the best tax situation is for you to help minimize your tax bill and increase your tax refund. While online tax programs have come a long way, it’s just not the same as working with a tax preparation professional that knows and understands the tax codes; you can explain your situation to them and they’ll be able to help you in better detail than an online tax program ever would. If you’re looking for a tax preparation professional to help you with your...
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