Don’t Fear Tax Day Thanks To Proper Tax Preparation From Your Local Expert

If you dread the thought of April 15th every year proper Tax Preparation may be all you need to turn that fear to cheer. As tax codes in your state and across the country change it is important to have proper Tax Preparation from someone who has been helping homeowners for years get the most out of their tax situation. Karla Dennis and the team at Cohesive Tax are your solution for making sure your taxes leave as much money in your pockets as possible. Lets be honest you are a very busy person. When somone mentions it’s almost tax season you probably think about tracking down all those papers you got in the mail over the year. Or even worse you have to start making phone calls to your bank or mortgage office asking for documents to figure out your tax damage for the passing year. This certainly sounds like one big hassle with the opportunity for errors to occur. Tax Preparation starts with having a discussion about any tax concerns or questions you have at the start of the year. May be you plan on buying your first home, a new car, or have recently started saving for retirement. These are all important topics that can be discuss with a tax expert to make sure you are getting the best of the situation. Far too often individuals assume they can handle their own Tax Preparation instead of paying someone else to do it. After all how hard can it be right? It turns out that spending a few bucks on a tax expert can actually make you...

Make Sure You Get The Most Out of Your Taxes

Many peopel who are doing their own tax returns are overlooking tax deductions, thereby giving more money to uncle sam. There are three ways to make sure this isn’t happening. First, if you are doing your own taxes, have your taxes reviewed by a tax professional. Second, make sure that you take the time to pull your tax deductions together. Don’t rush at the last minute. And lastly, many people simply don’t know what is deductable. Watch the video above for more...

Experience Tax Issues? Work With Someone Experienced In Tax Resolution

If you are in need of tax resolution assistance and don’t know where to turn, we’re here today to tell you that there is experienced, professional help waiting for you at Cohesive Tax. Cohesive Tax is a well-known tax firm that specializes in helping individuals and businesses with their tax issues; they provide tax resolution, planning and strategy services to ensure that the public is as educated as possible when it comes to their taxes. If you’ve recently experienced a few issues with your taxes, are being audited or have been constantly contacted by the IRS to pay your bill, Cohesive Tax is here to help you solve your tax problems and provide you with sound tax resolutions. By working with our team and coming up with a tax resolution, we can help you avoid the penalties that the government may impose on you or your business; our tax resolutions help you to focus on other aspects of your life or business that are more important. We have worked with all different types of situations, and while no two situations are alike, there are at least some similarities that we can identify and help get you on the right tax resolution path. The important thing to know with your tax issues is that you’re not alone. People throughout the country have sought the tax resolution help of Cohesive Tax and you can, too. With a tax resolution plan that is specific to your issues and needs, they can help you get past the issues and continue on with your life or business. For additional information on tax resolution services...

Tax Strategy Requires Tax Expert Who Furthers Education For Your Benefit

When most people think of taxes the first thing that comes to mind is probably the paycheck they receive every two weeks. While income tax is certainly one of the most common forms it is important to note that tax codes change yearly in this country. While not every tax code in this country will impact you on a yearly basis having a Tax Strategy in place can help you take advantage when an opportunity presents itself. For this reason it is important to have a tax specialist that is staying educated and up to date on the ever changing tax system. Taking a look back over the last five to ten years we can find numerous times when having an informed and educated tax specialist on your side could make a huge difference in your tax bill. Programs sponsored by the government in 2009 helped many homeowners buy a new car or home with a tax rebate available come April 15th. On a yearly basis you may be able to reap tax benefits by making improvements to your home that are also good for the environment. These are some fairly common examples that tax payers have heard about but it goes to show how your tax landscape can change every year. While having a Tax Strategy is certainly important it is even more vital that your tax expert is up to date on all things taxes. By continuing their education on the tax codes across the country you can be better positioned to take advantage when the time is right. Sometimes in life a big medical bill or...

Important Payroll Tips That Can Save You A Bundle Of Money In The Long Run

Hello everyone Karla Dennis here with Cohesive Tax Services talking with small business owners today about valuable tips on payroll taxes. I use this blog to keep small business owners and individuals thinking about how they can positively change their tax outcome every single year. If you are facing a tax resolution situation or simply need some guidance in your small business planning please give me a call or visit my website to learn more. Today I wanted to talk about the importance of accurate payroll records. It is very important that you file your payroll taxes on time and that every employee is accounted for. In this current economic cycle I know many small business owners are toying with the idea of making many of their employees independent contractors. This is something I think should be avoided due to the potential for an IRS audit. If an IRS audit occurs it is very possible that all of these independent contractors that were actually employees will require additional taxes to be paid. This can also affect your ability to utilize worker compensation. If you have an employee listed as an independent contractor that gets hurt or injured on the job they likely will not be covered by workers compensation. If you are attempting to do payroll yourself and money is tight that month it can cause some problems. I have seen some businesses in the past use their payroll taxes withholdings to pay past due bills instead of paying employee payroll taxes. It is important to have a separate bank account for payroll as well as payroll taxes. It...
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