Bookkeeping Tips To Boost Your Small Business

Today I’d like to give small business owners three tips on ways to have better records for bookkeeping. One of the most important things you can do is to use a professional bookkeeping program. The days of doing bookkeeping by hand are over; you want to get everything computerized and online to help you keep better records. The IRS no longer wants to see hand written schedules they’re asking for general ledgers, a profit loss form and balance sheets. Help yourself now by getting yourself on a professional accounting program. Tip number two is to keep all of your receipts and statements for anything you charge on your credit card or any check that you write. if you’re a business owner, no longer are credit card statements or cancelled checks enough to substantiate your business expenses. The IRS now wants to see the receipts for office supplies or a business dinner or invoices from your vendors; they’re looking for the receipts to back up the expenses from your credit cards or cancelled checks. Tip number three is to get all of your online banking statements now; while the bank says they do keep your bank statements for up to 18 months, but if you’re being audited you could run into trouble getting some statements from your bank. Make it a habit of downloading your bank statement onto your own hard drive for easier access when you need it. read...

When Is It Time To Hire Out My Bookkeeping?

Have you recently asked yourself if it is time for you to hire someone to tackle the bookkeeping services for your business? Do you feel overwhelmed when it’s time to work on your books and try to avoid it like the plague? If so, these are more than likely some indications that it’s time to contact Cohesive Tax about using their professional bookkeeping services. The sad truth, however, is that many business owners don’t realize when they should actually hire someone for their bookkeeping. They keep trudging along thinking everything is fine when really it’s not. Here are a few different ways to tell if it’s time for you to hire someone for your bookkeeping responsibilities. Are you often paying your bills late and because of this often accrue late fees? This is definitely a sign that you need someone for your bookkeeping. Paying bills on time is a simple and easy thing to do and having to pay late fees is a waste of your business’ money and is also something that can easily be avoided. Next, are you often unaware of how much money is in your bank account or are you constantly getting overdraft charges from your bank? Again, balancing your books is an easy task when you stay on top of it and paying overdraft fees is also a waste of your hard earned money. Lastly, do you dread doing the bookkeeping and simply wish you could focus more on the business aspect of things? This is perhaps the biggest reason why business owners choose to hire out their bookkeeping services and it makes sense....

For Those Who Don’t File Taxes A Tax Resolution Is Likely Waiting In Your Future

If you are in need of some form of Tax Resolution services it is important to know what your options are from the beginning. Far too often people with tax problems choose to simply avoid them which can make the problem even worse. There are several options out there for people who need Tax Resolution services in order to get back on their feet and settle any remaining debts. First and foremost it is important you are paying your taxes. Even if they are late it is always better to get your taxes submitted and hopefully paid as soon as possible. The longer outstanding your yearly tax filing the harder it may be to work with the IRS on a settlement of the money that is owed. In fact, if you do not file your taxes there is the possiblity that the IRS will do it for you. This could mean missing out on several valuable write-offs and deductions that can really change your income outlook for the coming year. Whether you have one year or ten years of tax documents to file it is important to get them turned in as soon as possible. Those who wait may be subject to the collection tactics of the IRS for the foreseeable future. No one wants to deal with constant phone calls and letters simply because your taxes have not been filed. There is a big difference between not filing and tax paying your taxes. Not paying your taxes can make you a risk to the IRS to never do so. Atleast if you have filed your tax returns a...

New Money New You Seminar Provides Skills To Thrive In Any Economy

Hello everyone this is Karla Dennis CEO of Cohesive Tax Services talking with you today about a great seminar that can help you cash flow your personal life. I use this blog to keep every day people thinking about how they can get the most out of their current tax situation. If you currently do not have a tax strategy in place for the year please visit my website or give me call to get in touch with our team of tax specialists to learn how we can help you. In my blog today I wanted to talk about our New Money New Your Seminar and how it can help change the way you think about taxes. Many of you out there who run a small business are stressed out day after day causing your business to struggle. I have been a small business owner for over twenty three years and can certainly understand what these days feel like. One of the biggest things I have done to avoid these problems is bringing coaches and mentors in to my life. At my seminar you can learn tips like these to focus how you think about your business. Far too often small business owners are caught up in their day to day activities and don’t have a chance to look at the big picture that is their business. This seminar is intended to help small business owners focus in on how to cash flow their business and increase revenue. For those who are considering starting a small business this is also a great opportunity to learn these tools before taking...

At Karla Dennis And Associates, Inc.™ We Provide Tax Preparation For All 50 States

Today I’m going to talk to you about tax preparation. At Karla Dennis And Associates, Inc.™, we do things a little bit differently in that we can handle tax preparation for customers in all 50 states. We’re licensed in all 50 states as Enrolled Agents and can handle federal tax returns, state tax returns, even tax returns for local municipalities. We’re also very strategic in the way that we prepare your taxes. We not only do individual tax returns but we also do business tax returns for corporations, LLCs, S-Corporations and business trusts; you name it, we do it. read...
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