10 Strategies To Increase Profitability In A Down Economy
As business owners, we’re constantly planning and implementing systems and processes with a goal in mind of
generating profit. However, with this economy we’re excited to even make it to break-even. This isn’t the
American Dream!
Karla Dennis of Cohesive Tax has strategies to increase profitability in a down economy. As the recipient of the
AGENT Business of The Year Award, Ms. Dennis is sharing her tips with the City of Cypress business
community. If you want your 2011 to be a record breaking year for profit, then you must attend this presentation.
Thursday, August 11th, 2011
Cypress Community Center
5700 Orange Avenue
Cypress, CA 90630
Seats are limited. To reserve your seat for this FREE event, please contact:
City of Cypress Hall (714) 229-6720
Cohesive Tax (714) 252-5822
For more information, please visit www.ci.cypress.ca.us
The City of Cypress is pleased to announce its partnership with Karla K. Dennis of Cohesive Tax Firm in Cypress to conduct a series of three FREE Tax Workshops in 2011 for our local business community, as part of the City’s AGENT & SPIRIT Business Programs.
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