Have you ever tried to hire the wrong person for a job? It could be very frustrating if you tried to hire an electrician to fix a leaking sink, and it is the same with tax preparation. There is a right person, computer program, for the job. It is just a matter of figuring out whether a tax preparation specialist or a computer software program would be right for your needs.
Using tax preparation software has many advantages. It is quick to use. Most taxpayers find that they can file their taxes and send them electronically in about an hour. A tax specialist will oftentimes take up to a week to get your taxes ready. It should be no surprise that tax preparation software is going to be cheaper than a specialist. You will usually pay $20-$140 for tax software. There are even websites that offer the software for free.
For taxpayers that have few deductions and only have a one or two sources of income, tax preparation software could be a perfect option for you. It’s when you get into wading through the taxes for multiple investments that things could get a little bit dicey.
As mentioned above, a tax preparation specialist is generally more expensive, but you do get what you pay for. Your tax preparation specialist is there for you after your taxes are filed. They can help you with financial planning so that you can begin a tax strategy that will save you money in the future.
If there is a complicated issue with you taxes, you will be able to work with tax preparation specialist to get through the problem. They understand the documentation, and with many issues, these problems cannot be simplified into the cut-and-dry questions that a software program might use. If you prefer having a real person to work with or if you just want to trust your taxes to an expert, a tax preparation specialist will be the right fit for you.
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