Why You should Join A Mastermind Group

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r1_light-brain1You ever hear the story of two heads are better than one? Well it’s true. Being in a mastermind group can really raise your Business IQ. . These groups are here to virtually help you accomplish any goal you set out to do. The key elements need in a basic group are such.

1. People Committed to helping each other
You have to make sure that people are committed to helping each other, sharing contacts and wanting to build each other up. We know a story of a guy Robert Galisky who met with his mastermind group and had a big idea of releasing a musical. Through great contacts, advice this all help him get his play up and running and raise over 50K. It’s about having people truly dedicated to helping each other out and building the mastermind.

2. A Regular Format that everyone is comfortable with
Some mastermind groups meet in person while other prefer calls or video conferencing. Pick a style that works best with you and your group. Making sure that you guys can all meet since you guys are all busy and a format in which you can truly get everything done in a great productive manner is key to any type of mastermind group.

As well setting meeting agenda’s. Something that you can send the group ahead of time to get them thinking about everything that is going on. This is an awesome way to make sure every can view and have some key points to speak about when the meeting begins as well you can stay organized with our busy schedules .

3. People will hold Each Other Accountable
In addition to having the right mix of people who will go about and beyond to help each other. You need members who are committed. To holding each other accountable. This includes meeting with regularly, monthly or quarterly and being serious about getting things done. .

I recommend setting the group rules for each other and what is expected from each other. Like being disinvited with people who miss too many meetings or leak important information out to the public that we don’t want to leave the room.

With any major mastermind make sure you guys have similar skill sets, have a great chemistry together and want to see each other do very well. Your mastermind could really take you and your company to the next level if you find people who are dedicated to getting better daily.

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As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, CEO of consultancy firm Karla Dennis And Associates, Inc.™, has saved her clients thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

As of 2014, Karla became the new host on the “Mind Your Business” radio show, KTLK AM 1150, sharing her financial and business knowledge with the greater Orange County and Los Angeles areas. As a supporter of women’s rights and issues, Karla is part of the Women Network, an organization built to educate and mentor women. In addition, Karla is the radio host for Women Network Radio, a show that aims to uplift and empower women of all walks of life.

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