New Money New You Seminar Provides Skills To Thrive In Any Economy

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Hello everyone this is Karla Dennis CEO of Cohesive Tax Services talking with you today about a great seminar that can help you cash flow your personal life. I use this blog to keep every day people thinking about how they can get the most out of their current tax situation. If you currently do not have a tax strategy in place for the year please visit my website or give me call to get in touch with our team of tax specialists to learn how we can help you.

In my blog today I wanted to talk about our New Money New Your Seminar and how it can help change the way you think about taxes. Many of you out there who run a small business are stressed out day after day causing your business to struggle. I have been a small business owner for over twenty three years and can certainly understand what these days feel like. One of the biggest things I have done to avoid these problems is bringing coaches and mentors in to my life. At my seminar you can learn tips like these to focus how you think about your business. Far too often small business owners are caught up in their day to day activities and don’t have a chance to look at the big picture that is their business. This seminar is intended to help small business owners focus in on how to cash flow their business and increase revenue. For those who are considering starting a small business this is also a great opportunity to learn these tools before taking the first step. Being a small business owner is never easy but having the knowledge and mind set to continue to grow is a must if you are going to succeed.

If you have any questions or would like to learn how to sign up for this seminar please visit my website or call my office today. Our team at Cohesive Tax have been helping small business owners for years and want to provide you the information to get to the top. Thank you for your time today and I look forward to seeing you in the future for all your tax needs.

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As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, CEO of consultancy firm Karla Dennis And Associates, Inc.™, has saved her clients thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

As of 2014, Karla became the new host on the “Mind Your Business” radio show, KTLK AM 1150, sharing her financial and business knowledge with the greater Orange County and Los Angeles areas. As a supporter of women’s rights and issues, Karla is part of the Women Network, an organization built to educate and mentor women. In addition, Karla is the radio host for Women Network Radio, a show that aims to uplift and empower women of all walks of life.

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