4 Social Media Apps to help your online business stand out

4 Social Media Apps to help your online business stand out
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Due to the rise of social media apps and content, many people are now relying on social media to help build their small businesses. Many people have started their business on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Although it can be easy to start, the hard part is getting followers and standing out from the crowd. To stand out and have a style that represents your brand, you’re going to need a few essential apps to help you fulfill your small business vision. 

  1. Canva

If you need to make flyers, posters, Instagram posts, or any photos at all, Canva is the go-to for most social media users. Canva is easy to use and has many templates that can fit any look you may be going for. This app can be used on computers and mobile phones, making it easy to access no matter on what device. Available on both IOS and Android, it’s easy to share and accessible for anyone in the business. This app is also easier to use than other more advanced apps such as Photoshop or Adobe. Canva does have some premium options, but other than that, it is free to use. Canva also makes it easy to download your creations and share them on all social media platforms. 

  1. InShotVideo:

Rather than only taking photos and posting them to your Instagram Story, you can elevate your business by creating content that is visually interesting and fun. This can be done through videos and fun clips; however, you may need the help of apps to be able to do this. Many times videos or photos do not fit correctly onto Instagram’s story and can create a frustrating experience. However, InShotVideo allows the user to put backgrounds or pictures behind the intended post. This not only allows the user to continue to post on their stories but also helps keep the videos stylish and modern. You can also have the background be a solid color. Perfect for adding in any extra text, you might not have been able to edit into the video. Having a good Instagram story is also fun and engages customers through polls, questions, and ratings. Try to create a fun, creative story that will more than likely get you more views and engagement. This app is also free on both IOS and Android.

  1. VSCO:

There are so many popular apps out there, it can be hard to determine what is best for you to use. The majority of popular Instagram accounts use VSCO. This app is a photo editing application that has tons of free filters that look much better than the usual Instagram filters. If you are putting in the effort to get good quality photos, you should also use a quality photo editor. VSCO is great for quality photos and lets the user adjust the amount of filter to use on the images. They also have filter packages you can buy or very little money. To create the right look, you may want to use filters on your photos to create a pattern that distinguishes your photos from others. These photos can also go onto Facebook, Twitter, and any other business pages you may have. The app also stores the images for you within the app, allowing you to have easy access to already edited photos. VSCO is available on both IOS and Andro


  1. Planoly:

Often times, the worst part about Instagram is planning. Sometimes one photo ruins the look of your feed. Many apps help users plan out what their feed or grid can look like. Planoly is an app for both IOS and Android that helps you plan your Instagram. They allow users to place photos and play around with the layout before even publishing them. This can help your business plan ahead and decide where everything will go beforehand. Planoly is also available on computers if you’re more comfortable doing this kind of work on a computer rather than a phone. You can also use Planoly to see how your posters or facebook posts look together. This can help create a consistent marketing technique that is often needed to create a memorable and successful online business.

Have fun, and enjoy creating content for your small business. Social media can be a great way to gain attention, customers, and recognition. Creating a plan for how you want your business to appear is vital if you’re going to gain a following. These apps are all designed to help elevate creative content and can be easily used by anyone. If you’re a small business owner, consider using these apps to help your business stan

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Karla Dennis, Tax Expert & Business Strategist

As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, the founder of consultancy firm Karla Dennis & Associates™, has saved her clients' thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

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