For Those Who Don’t File-Tax Resolution Services Is Likely Waiting In Your Future

For Those Who Don’t File-Tax Resolution Services Is Likely Waiting In Your Future
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For Those Who Don’t File Taxes A Tax Resolution Services Is Likely Waiting In Your Future

If you are in need of some form of Tax Resolution services it is important to know what your options are from the beginning. Far too often people with tax problems choose to simply avoid them which can make the problem even worse. There are several options out there for people who need Tax Resolution services. In order to get back on their feet and settle any remaining debts.

First and foremost it is important you are paying your taxes. Even if they are late it is always better to get your taxes submitted and hopefully paid as soon as possible. It becomes difficult to settle with the IRS the longer your tax filing is outstanding.

In fact, if you do not file your taxes than the IRS could possibly do it for you. This could mean missing out on several valuable write-offs and deductions. This can really change your income outlook for the coming year. File taxes as soon as possible is important regardless if you have one year or ten years of tax documents.

Those who wait may be subject to the collection tactics of the IRS for the foreseeable future. No one wants to deal with constant phone calls, and letters simply because they have not filed their taxes. There is a big difference between not filing and not paying your taxes.

Not paying your taxes can make you a risk to the IRS to never do so. It is much easier to reach a deal on taxes owed if you have already filed your return. Make sure to utilize a Tax Resolution Specialist if you are concerned for your future. Even if this only means answering your tax questions. It is still a much better place to be in the long term.

Tax Resolution specialists will not only educate you but also work with the IRS on your behalf to make sure you are paying what you can.

If you have any questions, call us for a free, 30 minute consultation!

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Karla Dennis, Tax Expert & Business Strategist

As seen in Forbes Magazine, Karla Dennis is an expert tax and business strategist. As an enrolled agent, Karla is licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. She holds a Masters in Taxation and Business Development and is the author of two books, Tax Storm and Against the Odds.

Karla, the founder of consultancy firm Karla Dennis & Associates™, has saved her clients' thousands of dollars and has been featured in various media outlets such as Forbes, MSNBC, KTLA, Yahoo! Finance, and SmartMoney, marking her as the ultimate tax expert.

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